Category: C-Change Blog

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Are EVs on a Bumpy Road?

Perspectives on this critical aspect of …

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Climate & Health – Connecting the Dots

120 countries recognize that climate threatens our health.

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A Perspective on COP28, Dubai

Is this one of the most ambitious and successful COP summits ever or…

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The Gloves Are Coming Off Over Fossil Fuels

It feels like a reckoning could be coming…

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Should You Replace Your Gas Stove?

Take politics out of the kitchen and focus on the science.

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Pleneau Bay in the Lamaire Channel – Antarctica

Despite What WSJ Opinion Writer Says, Ice Loss is a Problem

“…there are many reasons to remain concerned about sea level rise due to the shrinking Greenland ice sheet.”

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Finding Common Ground

It is difficult when family members disagree, but C-Change offers a way to find common ground. Recently we were honored to be invited to address the now politically-divisive issue of climate change by the Women’s Alliance of Central Unitarian Church in Paramus, New Jersey as part of their fifth annual Speakers Series. The following is an adaptation of a sermon written and delivered by Katy Kinsolving, a C-Change founding member, on Sunday, October 24, 2021.

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Two Sides of the Same Coin: Air Pollution and Climate Change

As a physician, I have seen firsthand the devastating health problems that air pollution can inflict: asthma attacks, strokes, heart attacks, lung cancer, and more.

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Review of “Unsettled”

Written by a prominent academic and science policy-maker, “Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What it Doesn’t, and Why It Matters” contends that man-made climate change is indeed occurring, but points out several inconsistencies between what climate science says and what the public perceives.

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Another Way to Honor Our Military

Armed Forces Day

“We face all kinds of threats in our line of work, but few of them truly deserve to be called existential. The climate crisis does. No nation can find lasting security without addressing the climate crisis.”
– U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, April 23, 2021

Today is Armed Forces Day, when we celebrate men and women serving in the U.S. military. Across the country, there will be parades, speeches, and other tributes to our service members.
As we honor them, we should remember that climate change is making their jobs more difficult and dangerous. Our military leaders are warning that we need to embrace climate action now to keep our troops safe. Here are their key points:

  • Climate change is causing more conflicts. As climate change disrupts food and water sources, more areas are becoming less habitable – and conflicts over these basic resources are growing. These conflicts often exacerbate human migration and increase terrorism. This will continue to worsen as we move into mid-century and disruptions become more acute.
  •  It will be more difficult (and expensive) to train soldiers and keep them safe. Climate change makes temperatures higher and water resources less dependable, which makes it harder, and downright dangerous, for our soldiers to operate in many areas of the world. In addition, hotter, drier conditions at many of our training grounds make it dangerous to practice with live ammunition because of the risk of starting wildfires.
  • Billions of dollars of damage to military bases here and abroad has been incurred by rising sea levels and extreme weather events made worse by climate change. Even once we protect the bases, the cities near them are also threatened by sea level rise and must be built up so that personnel can get from their homes to the bases when needed.
  • Our soldiers and National Guard will be called on more often for humanitarian help both at home and around the world as floods, hurricanes, and wildfires are made more damaging and dangerous by climate change.

“This has to be everybody’s fight,” says Ron Keys, a retired Air Force general. We hope you will watch and share his video explaining why our military cares about climate change.
So please, support our troops and raise your voice. Thanks for helping us keep the conversation going.
The C-Change Conversations Team

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