Just as every fraction of a degree increase in temperature matters, every small action adds up. There are many ways each of us can make a difference, both in our personal lives and through engaging others.

Here is a list of ideas and resources as a guide.

Build Your Knowledge


We recommend the following books. They're perfect for your next book club!

  • A Thinking Person’s Guide to Climate Change by Robert Henson
  • Climate of Hope by Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope
  • Drawdown, The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming edited by Paul Hawken


Signup to news outlets' climate change newsletters, such as:


Take a look at Climate Central’s website. Climate Central is an excellent, independent organization of leading scientists and journalists researching and reporting up-to-date facts on our changing climate.

Ask a Climate Scientist

Still have questions? When in doubt, ask one of our scientific advisors. And don't miss our topical blogs and the monthly curated climate change news.

Challenge Your Knowledge

Take this quiz to test your knowledge about what can be done to fight climate change.

Bring C-Change to Your Community

Host a C-Change Conversations Primer with your association, business, club, church, or other groups you associate with. This non-partisan presentation delves more deeply into the 5 questions addressed above through the lens of how climate change impacts our health, economy, and national security.

Talk to Others

Seriously! Recent research shows that conversations about climate change are critical to building consensus. We can’t act if we don’t talk about it, right? Start talking about your climate change concerns with family and friends. These conversations can sometimes be scary and uncomfortable. The Nature Conservancy offers a really helpful how-to-guide with 4 simple steps to get the conversation started.

Check out and share The Nature Conservancy’s funny and informative video, too!

Speak up at meetings of business and civic leaders, clubs you participate in, and wherever people gather. Every (seemingly) small action is necessary.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint


Use this interactive calculator to understand your personal carbon footprint. Once you know, it’s easier to create actionable and realistic goals to reduce your personal carbon footprint.


Change your diet. Eat leftovers: 30-40% of our food is thrown away and, given the energy that goes into making and transporting it, we really should be paying more attention to this. Eat locally and eat less meat.


Travel smart. Consider buying one of those very fun-to-drive electric vehicles—it's one of the biggest ways to reduce your footprint. Why not offset the carbon you release while flying or driving?


Decarbonize your home. Get that energy audit for your house. Change your light bulbs out for LEDs and get energy smart appliances. Investigate solar energy and geothermal. Look to buy renewable energy through your public utility.


If possible, compost your organic waste instead of throwing it out and contributing to landfills. Here's are helpful composting guides from the New Jersey Agriculture Experiment Station and from the website Eco Watch.


Call or meet with your elected officials.

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