Nadir Jeevanjee
Nadir Jeevanjee is a climate scientist in Princeton University's Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. He has a background in theoretical physics and currently studies clouds and radiation in the climate system. He is active in communicating climate science to non-specialists and to the public, both through his own talks as well as through the outreach group Climate Up Close, which also contributes to this Q&A. He now works for NOAA’S Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, a major US climate modeling center. Here are a video and a summary of his talk for lay audiences.
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Bernadette Woods Placky
Bernadette Woods Placky is an Emmy Award winning meteorologist and director of Climate Central's Climate Matters program. Bernadette works with fellow meteorologists from across the country, providing resources and data on the connection between climate change and weather and has appeared on national and local television broadcasts to help explain extreme weather events.
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Liz Sikes
Liz Sikes is a professor of oceanography at Rutgers University and a paleoceanographer. The unifying theme of her work is carbon cycling. She is investigating circulation in the Southern Ocean to determine how this traps and releases CO2 from the deep ocean on glacial time scales. Liz also investigates past sea surface temperature changes in the oceans around New Zealand and Australia, as well as the sources, pathways, and sinks of terrestrial and marine carbon in the modern environment to understand their impact on coastal ocean acidification. Liz was the awarded recipient of the American Geophysical Union's Cesare Emiliani Lecture for 2020 in recognition of her outstanding contributions to her field.
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