Thank you for being part of our journey.
Kathleen Biggins, Founder
C-Change Conversations
This Gives Us Hope
The Great Green Wall of Africa is a 10-mile wide, 4,000-mile long greenbelt designed to stop desertification around the Sahara. As trees grow, they change the weather patterns, enhancing rainfall. By encouraging the planting of drought-resistant species and garnering support from local farmers and herders, policy leaders hope to contain the desert, which is expanding due to climate change, deforestation, and overgrazing. Learn more.
Did You Know?
Did you know revitalizing nature is often the most economically efficient way to fight climate change? Improving our land use approaches (such as using regenerative agriculture practices), encouraging mangroves on shorelines, protecting peat and wetlands, and reforestation could absorb up to 30% of excess carbon by 2030.
Tips for Taking Action
- Talk about your climate change concerns with family and friends. The Nature Conservancy offers a how-to guide with 4 simple tips to get the conversation started. Check out and share the organization’s funny video, too!
- Holiday travel is right around the corner. Why not offset the carbon you release while flying or driving? Learn more.
- This fun and informative quiz tests your knowledge about what can be done to fight climate change. Take the quiz.
Notable Quote
“Climate change is by far the most formidable, catastrophic, and certain risk to our economic security and social stability.”
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson
Bloomberg Global Business Forum
September 25, 2019