July 2020 Newsletter
We live in interesting times (an understatement!). Our sense of security has been shattered by the COVID-19 crisis and our sense of identity challenged by George Floyd’s killing and the ensuing reflection of who we are as a nation and as individuals. We are emotionally spent.
And yet, exhausted as we are, we need to keep in mind another challenge, climate change. Its threat may feel less immediate, but its consequences are much longer term. Scientists warn we need to act now, or our current emissions path will create a dangerous and dystopian world – one with devastating heat waves, food deprivation, more droughts and floods, and more exposure to disease. Because of our inaction so far, we are on track to leave our children and grandchildren a world we would never accept for ourselves.
Before COVID-19 emerged, the momentum on climate change had shifted. Republican leaders, recognizing that younger Republicans and independents care deeply about the issue, were finally talking about solutions like planting trees, investing in carbon capture and new nuclear power technologies. Democrats were fleshing out different approaches to a “Green New Deal.”
Today much of that momentum has been lost as the world wrestles with the COVID-19 crisis. Some countries are using their stimulus packages to pivot to the future – building green infrastructure and jobs. Others are simply trying to restore the status quo. We are at a critical inflection point, and how we, as individuals, nations, and a global society, choose to act will have important ramifications for our future.
And C-Change is still at work and has helped nearly 10,000 people understand the risks of climate change with our award-winning Primer. We are energized to reach an even larger audience when we look back on the great reception and positive news coverage we received for Primer presentations in Shreveport, LA and to the World Affairs Council in Hilton Head, SC.
During the COVID lockdown we continue to educate others remotely with our Primer video (followed by a live Q&A session) and webcasts. We are also working to expand our website and to deliver more climate information and analysis to our supporters. Please let us know if you want to help by inviting us to send our video or present virtually to clubs, schools, or associations in your community. Be well and stay safe.
Kathleen Biggins, Founder and President
Why Businesses Need to Lead on Climate Change
Pre-COVID, Kathleen interviewed Andrew Winston — a noted author and advisor to multinational companies — in the Princeton Public TV station. They had a fascinating discussion about why it is in businesses’ best interest to aggressively move to reduce climate risks — for their own bottom line and for the rest of society. Watch the interview here.
Tips for Taking Action
- This week, resolve to have one conversation about climate change. Next month, have two. This video will inspire you to take that first step.
- Consider buying an electric car. This climate-friendly car guide from Climate Central will help you figure out which one might be right for you.
- Try Meatless Mondays. Cutting back on animal products from a quarter to half can make each of our carbon footprints a lot smaller.
C-Change in the News
- Venture capitalist and climate change leader Scott Amyx interviewed C-Change founder Kathleen Biggins for his podcast. Watch the interview here.
- Idea Mensch is an interview platform for entrepreneurs, makers, and doers. Read the interview with Kathleen.
Upcoming Events
C-Change is rescheduling in-person events with webcasts where possible. Let us know if you’d like to arrange a Primer presentation with your business group, club, church, or school.
Tentative upcoming events include presentations to the Southampton, NY Garden Club, Jackson Hole, WY Thursday Roundtable, and the Young Presidents Organization. The Land Trust Alliance has confirmed our spot on the schedule for its October annual conference, Rally 2020.