
Margaret Koval

An Emmy-award winning journalist, Margaret is the Director of Special Projects for Princeton University’s Office of Communications. Margaret wrote and produced for the ABC News programs “Nightline” and “20/20,” then spent nearly 10 years making documentaries for PBS before jumping back into daily news as a senior editor for the public radio franchise “Marketplace.” She also did stints with the Science Museum in London and at the University of Oxford. Margaret lives in Princeton, NJ.

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Katy Kinsolving

Katy Kinsolving is a food educator and writer with a background in non- profit management, public relations and special events. She has worked with a range of institutions from small social service organizations to major European museums.  She is co-author of Essential Flavors and writes the Good Food Naturally blog. In Princeton she served as an ambassador for the Princeton Township curbside composting program, and was a trustee of The Watershed Institute.

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Kathy Herring

Kathy Herring had a 12 year career in marketing and public relations eventually becoming Director of Promotions and Marketing for Bobbi Brown Cosmetics. In 1998, she co-founded Twin Hens, a frozen chicken pot pie company that had national distribution. After 14 years, she closed the company and devoted her time to non-profit volunteer work, serving as Conservation Chair for Stony Brook Garden Club, and as board member for Young Audiences of NJ, Crawford House, and the Institute for Advanced Study.

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Dallas Hetherington

Dallas’s career began in global specialty chemicals concerns that spanned technologies such as adhesives, polymers and food ingredients, for customers like PepsiCo, Monsanto and Procter & Gamble. He is currently serving as president of the board of trustees of Raritan Headwaters Association, a water-quality watchdog in northern New Jersey. He knows that unless we act more decisively, millions of others around the world will pay an increasingly high price for a warming planet.

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Robin Gosnell

A graduate of Dartmouth College and Columbia University School of Law, Robin is a retired attorney and mother of four. After practicing tax law in New York City and working for a boutique investment firm, she became active with the International Rescue Committee and now serves on its Board of Advisors. Robin is a past president of The Garden Club of Princeton, and currently serves on the vestry of Trinity Church and the Board of Trustees of Princeton Day School.

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Sophie Glovier Head Shot GreenWeb

Sophie Glovier

Sophie has presented the C-Change Conversations Primer in 5 states. In her role as the Municipal Policy Specialist at The Watershed Institute she works with citizens and local government to develop and implement strong environmental policy.  She has served as Chair of the Princeton Environmental Commission and is the author of Walk the Trails In and Around Princeton, a book that has sold over 5,000 copies and raised over $10,000 for trail stewardship.

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Carrie Dyckman

Carrie has a background as a multimedia producer and web developer in New York. She is now an effective community activist focused on sustainability. As a current or former chair of The Stony Brook Garden Club Conservation, PDSeeds, and the Point O’Woods Environmental Committee, she has been active in campaigns to reduce idling, increase recycling, reduce single use plastics, plant Milkweed for Monarchs, and promote carpooling, EV cars, and community composting.

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Kathleen Biggins

Kathleen founded C-Change Conversations in 2014. Her previous experience includes co-hosting an internet radio show about Delaware Valley environmental issues and working with Ogilvy & Mather advertising agency in New York City and QLM Marketing in Princeton, NJ, where she lives. The New Orleans native was a reporter for The Times-Picayune after graduating from the University of Virginia and studying International Relations at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg, Germany, as a Rotary Scholar.

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Mary Bechler

Mary brings 25 years of experience in financial management and planning to C-Change Conversations.  She currently works as a senior associate dean for finance and administration in the Graduate School at Princeton University. Prior experience includes roles in international banking and real estate asset management. Mary has worked with a number of non-profits in Princeton, including 101: which provides college mentoring and need-based scholarships.

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Tina Alt

Tina received her Bachelor of Science from The Catholic University of America and her master’s in health science from Quinnipiac University. She currently practices as a Physician Assistant working in college medicine. She worked in surgical specialties for 20 years in the greater Philadelphia area with a focus mainly on cardiac surgery. Tina has volunteered for multiple roles ranging from soccer coach to a member of school boards. She is very happy to be working with C Change fulfilling her desire to help the earth.  

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